Wednesday, February 10, 2016

First Impressions: A "Far Point" from ToS

Episode Title: Encounter at Far Point (parts 1 and 2)
First Aired: Sept. 28, 1987

These two episodes comprise the pilot of TNG. We are introduced to the brand-new crew of a brand-new ship named the Enterprise, after the ship from TOS. We are also introduced to Q, an ongoing antagonist of the series. In these episodes the crew assembles only to immediately face trouble bigger than they had imagined--their simple mission assemble at Farpoint on Deneb IV and to discover how the Bandi who live there have such immense power sources becomes a mission to prove the goodness of humanity when Q puts the crew on trial for the crimes of their species. They, of course, succeed in solving the mystery and proving humanity innocent, though Q warns that he will continue watching them.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Welcome Aboard!

Hello, and welcome to Feminism Aboard TNG'S Enterprise!

What's This Blog About?

As I watch Star Trek: TNG from start to finish, I'll be making posts about any episodes worth taking a closer look at from a feminist point of view--both positively and negatively! Having absolutely no experience with the series, I hope to provide a fresh point of view on it. I won't be writing about every single episode, since it's unlikely that every episode will have something to talk about in it, but rest assured that I'll only skip writing about an episode if there's really nothing to say.

How Often Will You Update?

Posts will be at the very least biweekly, if not more often than that! I am a college student, so my time is somewhat limited, but my schedule this semester gives me a lot of free time in the afternoon and evening most of the week.

What's Your Background?

Where feminist critique is concerned: I'm a third-year English major--picking literature apart is kind of my thing! I personally think that media can be literature, or at least treated like it, and that's what I tend to do with anything I watch. I've been involved in feminist groups both online and on my school's campus.

As for my background with the Star Trek franchise, seeing the reboot films inspired me to begin watching the show itself. I've just recently finished ToS and I'm excited to start TNG!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll stick around as we go on this journey together!