Thursday, June 9, 2016

No Angel of an Episode

Episode Title: Angel One
First Aired: January 25th, 1989

The Enterprise travels to a matriarchal planet called Angel One in search of survivors from a wrecked ship they found. The survivors are, in fact, on the planet, but are in hiding for going against the planet's matriarchal ways. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is wanted in a nearby neutral zone to handle a situation with some Romulans, which becomes an issue when the entire ship gets sick from an airborne virus. The away team finds the runaway survivors but the survivors refuse to leave Angel One, insisting that it is their home and leading Angel One's leader to sentence them to death.Just in the nick of time Doctor Crusher finds a cure for the illness, Commander Riker convinces Angel One's leader to spare the rebels, and the Enterprise is free to continue to the neutral zone in time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Insufficient Data?

Episode Title: Datalore
First Aired: January 18th, 1988

The Enterprise takes a detour to the planet where Data was discovered in hopes of learning more about the demise of the colonists whose memories he contains. What they find is another Data, in separate parts. Once they assemble him he reveals that his name is Lore and insists that he was built after Data, as a more perfect version of him. However, Lore later reveals that Data was built afterwards because the colonists felt Lore was too human. Meanwhile, thanks to childrens' drawings and Lore's account of his time with the colonists, the bridge crew learn that a great crystalline being which feeds on life energy is what destroyed the colonists and their entire planet. Lore then betrays Data, his "dear brother," and switches bodies with him in order to advance his nefarious plot. He tells the unconscious Data that the colonists' demise was because he led the crystal being to them, and plans to do the same to the Enterprise. Wesley sees right through Lore, however, and due to his persistence Data is able to stop Lore by sending him into space, getting rid of both Lore and the crystal being.

Is This The Real Life?

Episode Title: The Big Goodbye
First Aired: January 11th, 1988

After a 20-year rift caused by a slight mispronunciation, the Jarada have agreed to attempt to speak with the Federation again--if, and only if, one of them can successfully greet them in their very complicated native tongue. This responsibility falls on Captain Picard. Stressed by the immensity of the task before him, he decides to take a break by using the holodeck to live the life of his childhood hero, fictional private detective Dixon Hill. He even convinces Doctor Crusher and ship 20th century historian Whalen to join him, with Data tagging along for the ride. However, things go awry when the Jarada scan the Enterprise and cause a holodeck malfunction, trapping them in 1940s San Francisco and turning fantasy into reality until Wesley and Geordi can fix the malfunction.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Zero Weddings and A Possible Funeral

Episode Title: Haven
First Aired: November 20th, 1987

On a trip to relax on Haven, a paradisiacal Class M planet, Deanna Troi receives a message--the time has come for her to marry the son of her human father's close friend Steven Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, along with their son Wyatt, beam aboard, followed by Deanna's eccentric and blunt-to-a-fault mother Lxwana Troi. Deanna is conflicted between her affection for Wyatt and her long-standing affection for Commander Riker, who is unhappy with the suddenly upcoming wedding. However, when a ship belonging to a race thought long wiped out by its own biological weapons appear, things move towards a resolution. A woman Wyatt has seen in his mind since he was young is aboard the ship, waiting for him--she has seen him since her own childhood and knew he would be coming to Haven. Wyatt decides to join his fated lover and cure her and her people or die trying, and Deanna is free to remain Counselor aboard the Enterprise.

Monday, May 2, 2016

All The World's a Stage, and All the Women Merely...There

Episode Title: Hide and Q
First Aired: November 23rd, 1987

The Q are back and more confounding than ever. Perhaps more confounding is what poor Tasha puts up with in this episode!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Return of the Ferengi

Episode Title: The Battle
First Aired: November 16th, 1987

This episode contains much ado about a headache, and very little ado about the woman who treats it. Let's take a closer look!

Friday, April 8, 2016

A Note About Ads

Hello readers, this is your captain speaking! I just wanted to forewarn you all that very soon I will be adding advertisements to this site. Please note that I do not necessarily condone the contents of the advertisements you see here (after all, weird stuff pops up sometimes). However, if you ever see an inappropriate advertisement, please let me know immediately! Hopefully that won't be necessary. With any luck the ads might even be relevant to your interests! In any case, see you in the next post. Adrian out!