Monday, May 2, 2016

All The World's a Stage, and All the Women Merely...There

Episode Title: Hide and Q
First Aired: November 23rd, 1987

The Q are back and more confounding than ever. Perhaps more confounding is what poor Tasha puts up with in this episode!


The Q return to interrupt yet another rescue mission of the Enterprise. This time they want to recruit First Officer Riker to join them. However, with some help from the rest of the bridge crew, Riker realizes that he would much rather remain as he is than be elevated to godhood.

Speaking of Hiding...

At the start of this episode we learn that Counselor Troi is visiting home. Doctor Crusher has a very small part in the episode because she is not typically on the bridge. That leaves Lieutenant Yar as the female character with the most plot relevance in the episode. Unfortunately, none of that relevance drives the plot at all.

Writers, Penalty!

At the beginning of Q's game, everyone is upset, Tasha included. Worf comes very near attacking Q multiple times and, when offered a beverage, pours it out and smashes the glass it came in. But somehow, Tasha reacting to Q saying that the game will be "unfair" by saying he's "gone too far" crossed the line and put her in the "penalty box," meaning that one more penalty would wipe her out of existence. Unfair indeed! The only positive of this situation was the cute scene between Tasha and Picard, in which he told her that "when one is in the penalty box, tears are permitted." Which was promptly ruined by Tasha flirting with Picard. Where did that even come from? Oh right, he was nice to her and comforted her, so obviously she has to flirt. Nice work writers.

Riker's Gift Gaffes

The way Riker realizes he ought to deny the Q's offer is when he offers his friends what they want most, only to have every single gift turned down because of their morals. Awkward. But can we talk about some of those gifts? Like, for example, how he gave Worf a woman? Riker. Pal. Come on, this isn't the 21st century, you can't just give someone a woman, especially not for the sole purpose of, ahem, companionship. In fact, unless the laws changed, I'm pretty sure that's illegal.

Then there's Geordi, given the gift of sight he's always wanted. He looks in awe at the stars and planet on the ship's screen. You'd think he'd say something about that, right? Nope! Instead he turns and lets Tasha know that she's just as beautiful as he'd imagined. She's lovely but...come on Geordi! Space! You're in space! You're literally surrounded by stars and seeing them for the first time and you decide now is a good time to hit on Tasha? Again, A+, writers.

At Least There's Wes

Wes continues to be one of my favorites on this show. I think the best moment was probably when he turned down Riker's offer to make him an adult so he could get there in his own time. Doctor Crusher looked so proud that my heart didn't just melt, it evaporated completely!

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