Thursday, June 9, 2016

No Angel of an Episode

Episode Title: Angel One
First Aired: January 25th, 1989

The Enterprise travels to a matriarchal planet called Angel One in search of survivors from a wrecked ship they found. The survivors are, in fact, on the planet, but are in hiding for going against the planet's matriarchal ways. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is wanted in a nearby neutral zone to handle a situation with some Romulans, which becomes an issue when the entire ship gets sick from an airborne virus. The away team finds the runaway survivors but the survivors refuse to leave Angel One, insisting that it is their home and leading Angel One's leader to sentence them to death.Just in the nick of time Doctor Crusher finds a cure for the illness, Commander Riker convinces Angel One's leader to spare the rebels, and the Enterprise is free to continue to the neutral zone in time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Insufficient Data?

Episode Title: Datalore
First Aired: January 18th, 1988

The Enterprise takes a detour to the planet where Data was discovered in hopes of learning more about the demise of the colonists whose memories he contains. What they find is another Data, in separate parts. Once they assemble him he reveals that his name is Lore and insists that he was built after Data, as a more perfect version of him. However, Lore later reveals that Data was built afterwards because the colonists felt Lore was too human. Meanwhile, thanks to childrens' drawings and Lore's account of his time with the colonists, the bridge crew learn that a great crystalline being which feeds on life energy is what destroyed the colonists and their entire planet. Lore then betrays Data, his "dear brother," and switches bodies with him in order to advance his nefarious plot. He tells the unconscious Data that the colonists' demise was because he led the crystal being to them, and plans to do the same to the Enterprise. Wesley sees right through Lore, however, and due to his persistence Data is able to stop Lore by sending him into space, getting rid of both Lore and the crystal being.

Is This The Real Life?

Episode Title: The Big Goodbye
First Aired: January 11th, 1988

After a 20-year rift caused by a slight mispronunciation, the Jarada have agreed to attempt to speak with the Federation again--if, and only if, one of them can successfully greet them in their very complicated native tongue. This responsibility falls on Captain Picard. Stressed by the immensity of the task before him, he decides to take a break by using the holodeck to live the life of his childhood hero, fictional private detective Dixon Hill. He even convinces Doctor Crusher and ship 20th century historian Whalen to join him, with Data tagging along for the ride. However, things go awry when the Jarada scan the Enterprise and cause a holodeck malfunction, trapping them in 1940s San Francisco and turning fantasy into reality until Wesley and Geordi can fix the malfunction.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Zero Weddings and A Possible Funeral

Episode Title: Haven
First Aired: November 20th, 1987

On a trip to relax on Haven, a paradisiacal Class M planet, Deanna Troi receives a message--the time has come for her to marry the son of her human father's close friend Steven Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, along with their son Wyatt, beam aboard, followed by Deanna's eccentric and blunt-to-a-fault mother Lxwana Troi. Deanna is conflicted between her affection for Wyatt and her long-standing affection for Commander Riker, who is unhappy with the suddenly upcoming wedding. However, when a ship belonging to a race thought long wiped out by its own biological weapons appear, things move towards a resolution. A woman Wyatt has seen in his mind since he was young is aboard the ship, waiting for him--she has seen him since her own childhood and knew he would be coming to Haven. Wyatt decides to join his fated lover and cure her and her people or die trying, and Deanna is free to remain Counselor aboard the Enterprise.

Monday, May 2, 2016

All The World's a Stage, and All the Women Merely...There

Episode Title: Hide and Q
First Aired: November 23rd, 1987

The Q are back and more confounding than ever. Perhaps more confounding is what poor Tasha puts up with in this episode!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Return of the Ferengi

Episode Title: The Battle
First Aired: November 16th, 1987

This episode contains much ado about a headache, and very little ado about the woman who treats it. Let's take a closer look!

Friday, April 8, 2016

A Note About Ads

Hello readers, this is your captain speaking! I just wanted to forewarn you all that very soon I will be adding advertisements to this site. Please note that I do not necessarily condone the contents of the advertisements you see here (after all, weird stuff pops up sometimes). However, if you ever see an inappropriate advertisement, please let me know immediately! Hopefully that won't be necessary. With any luck the ads might even be relevant to your interests! In any case, see you in the next post. Adrian out!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Practically Perfect In Every Way?

Episode Title: Justice
First Aired: November 9th, 1987

The Enterprise visits a seemingly-perfect planet to determine if it would be a good place for shore leave--something the crew hasn't had yet and wants very badly. To evaluate the planet for the children, Picard sends Wesley as part of the away team. The Edo are beautiful and seemingly have a perfect society--until it is uncovered that the punishment for any crime is death when Wesley disturbs some legally-protected flowers. Meanwhile, the Edo's "god" warns those aboard the Enterprise not to meddle with its "children," a command that becomes hard to follow when Wesley faces a death sentence. Eventually, Picard and his crew persuade the god--though not its people--that, in Picard's words, "there can be no justice so long as laws are absolute." The god allows the crew to beam back to the Enterprise with Wesley and continue peacefully on their way.

Equal Among Us

Episode Title: Lonely Among Us
First Aired: November 2nd, 1987

The Enterprise has been assigned to take two rival species who wish the join the Federation to a planet called Parliament so that they can attempt to work out their differences. En route, the ship accidentally picks up an incredibly advanced life form made of pure energy which then works its way through the ship and its bridge crew to attempt to return home that almost leaves Captain Picard stranded in space forever.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

No Woman Has Plot Relevance Before (or During, or After...)

Episode Title: Where No One Has Gone Before
First Aired: October 26th, 1987

An engineering upgrade gone awry leaves the Enterprise in a strange place a million light-years from home where thoughts become reality. Only the Traveler, a strange being of unknown origin, can fix his own mistakes to get them home. Just before he does this he reveals to Captain Picard that Wesley, Dr. Crusher's son, is a "Mozart" of space, energy, and everything else involved in running a starship. This revelation leads Picard to make Wesley an acting ensign so that he may sit on the bridge, since his previous orders would prevent that otherwise.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Unfriendly Ferengi

Episode Title:  The Last Outpost
First Aired: October 19th, 1987

While pursuing a vessel of the mysterious Ferengi, the Enterprise is held captive by a mysterious force which drains its power. The crew discover that this same force is draining the Ferengi ship and coming from the planet below. When they attempt to team up with the Ferengi, whom they compare to "Yankee traders," they are betrayed almost immediately. However, when the away team regains consciousness after falling to blows from the Ferengi energy whips, they encounter Portal, the last of an ancient civilization. Portal sees that Riker, specifically, is no barbarian, and releases the Enterprise.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Plenty of Code, But No Honor

Episode Title: Code of Honor
First Aired: October 12th, 1987

As a plague rages out of control among the people of Styris IV, the Enterprise heads to the planet Ligon II to create friendly relations and receive the only known vaccine for the plague. However, things become complicated when Lutan, the Ligonian leader, takes a strong liking to Lieutenant Yar and kidnaps her. When he reveals that he wants her to be his wife, his current wife challenges her to a fight to the death, which Lieutenant Yar wins. Doctor Crusher is able to revive Lutan's wife, she decides to marry his best friend and make him a secondary husband, and Lieutenant Yar is free to return to her post aboard the Enterprise--and Doctor Crusher is free to receive and distribute the vaccine.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

"Naked Now" Lays Bare Stereotypes (And Other Things)

Episode Title: The Naked Now
First Aired: October 5th, 1987

The Enterprise comes upon the remains of the crew of the S.S. Tsiolkovsky, who they discover have suffered an epidemic which impairs judgement similarly to intoxication when Geordi brings the epidemic aboard the Enterprise after touching one of the afflicted aboard the Tsiolkovsky. Many drunken antics ensue which very nearly get them all killed, including young Wesley Crusher taking control of the ship from the engineering room in a blaze of drunken bravado.

Note: This post contains discussion of rape and rape culture. Please take caution before reading if these topics might cause problems for you!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

First Impressions: A "Far Point" from ToS

Episode Title: Encounter at Far Point (parts 1 and 2)
First Aired: Sept. 28, 1987

These two episodes comprise the pilot of TNG. We are introduced to the brand-new crew of a brand-new ship named the Enterprise, after the ship from TOS. We are also introduced to Q, an ongoing antagonist of the series. In these episodes the crew assembles only to immediately face trouble bigger than they had imagined--their simple mission assemble at Farpoint on Deneb IV and to discover how the Bandi who live there have such immense power sources becomes a mission to prove the goodness of humanity when Q puts the crew on trial for the crimes of their species. They, of course, succeed in solving the mystery and proving humanity innocent, though Q warns that he will continue watching them.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Welcome Aboard!

Hello, and welcome to Feminism Aboard TNG'S Enterprise!

What's This Blog About?

As I watch Star Trek: TNG from start to finish, I'll be making posts about any episodes worth taking a closer look at from a feminist point of view--both positively and negatively! Having absolutely no experience with the series, I hope to provide a fresh point of view on it. I won't be writing about every single episode, since it's unlikely that every episode will have something to talk about in it, but rest assured that I'll only skip writing about an episode if there's really nothing to say.

How Often Will You Update?

Posts will be at the very least biweekly, if not more often than that! I am a college student, so my time is somewhat limited, but my schedule this semester gives me a lot of free time in the afternoon and evening most of the week.

What's Your Background?

Where feminist critique is concerned: I'm a third-year English major--picking literature apart is kind of my thing! I personally think that media can be literature, or at least treated like it, and that's what I tend to do with anything I watch. I've been involved in feminist groups both online and on my school's campus.

As for my background with the Star Trek franchise, seeing the reboot films inspired me to begin watching the show itself. I've just recently finished ToS and I'm excited to start TNG!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll stick around as we go on this journey together!